Are you trying to get a home loan mortgage? Are you having problems with it because you have a bad credit score? Don't worry, a lot of people have a bad credit score nowadays. The economic recession hasn't really helped a whole lot. But it's not like being on bad credit means you are going to have to live in a tent. You can still get approved for a home mortgage if you know how to play the game. There are so called B/C lenders out there that specialize in lending large amounts of money to people who have bad credit. You will probably pay higher interest rates on these loans than if you would have had good credit. But that is just the price you pay for having bad credit. That's just the reality of the situation. But you are not completely powerless and at the whim of your lenders! Bad Credit Home Loan Mortgage If you are looking for a good bad credit home loan refinance plan that's not going to cost you an arm and a leg, then I have a number of tips for you that will...
Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is a gimmick that many lenders put into place to presumably protect their loans from lenders who may default on a mortgage or home mortgage refinancing. But in reality, it is just another way a lender is able to make big money on new mortgage rates where the lender doesn’t put a full 20% down. Oftentimes, buyers either don’t have the full 20 percent or don’t want to put that much of a down payment on their home mortgage refinance loan. For those that don‘t want to pay private mortgage insurance, lenders have developed a system known as piggy back loans to allow a borrower to take a second mortgage or equity home mortgage line of credit to make up the difference between the amount of money he will contribute as a down payment and the balance owed to make the full 20 percent down payment. Private mortgage insurance is actually very expensive , and taking a second loan to make up the difference between a borrower’s down payment and the balance toward that ...